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Modern Architecture

your Journey begins with Strategy

 “Purpose without performance is an unfulfilled mission, performance without purpose is an empty achievement” 


About The StanCor Group

At The StanCor Group, we specialize in providing expert consultation services in the follow disiplines:


1.) Legal Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, NICU expertise, Child Advocacy, Nurse Case Management, and Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and/or neglected children. 


2.) Coaching expertise in C-Suite, Executive Leadership, Personal Development and Motivational. Additionally, an accredited Ericksonian Coach and certified in the following disciplines; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt).


3.) Information Technology, Cybersecurity and System Engineering.  


Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to helping individual's and businesses work towards achieving their goals and excelling to their potential.


Our Services


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